
Dr. Anthony Holland

from Novobiotronics

©2024 Novobiotronics – Anthony Holland at the BIOEM 2015 International conference presenting his invited poster on slowing the growth of and killing leukemia cells using the Rife-Bare Plasma machine.

Dr. Holland is the most prominent scientist conducting cancer research with resonant frequencies.

His experiments were successful at killing up to a staggering 60% of cancer cells without the use of any drug, chemo or radiation.

To continue his vital research outside the grasp of Big Pharma, he needs your help to raise $60,000.

His goal is a cancer-free future for all children.

We wholeheartedly support Dr. Holland's efforts and just donated $30,000 towards his research.

Together, let's get him fully financed.

$94,984 raised out of $60,000

🎉 SUCCESS, YOU DID IT !!! 100%

Know someone who may be willing to help Dr. Holland?

Share his story ! 😃


Dr. Holland is a music composer and teacher who took a keen interest in frequency research to help people. His dream is to live in a world where children are cancer-free.

©2023 Novobiotronics – Anthony Holland sitting next to living legend Max Mathews, the “father of computer music”.

His TEDx Talk, Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies, has over 14 million views on YouTube.

Short version (~6 mins)

Full version (~17 mins)

©2023 Novobiotronics – Anthony Holland at the microscope in a major east coast cancer research laboratory.

He conducted many cancer studies. Here are two papers he just published with Dr. James Bare about shattering leukemia cells with resonant frequencies.

His scientific research proved, under a microscope, that cancer cells can be shattered using frequencies emitted by a plasma tube.

We consider it our duty, for the future of our children, to support Dr. Holland's work. Together, let's make the world of tomorrow a better place to live in.

$94,984 raised out of $60,000

🎉 SUCCESS, YOU DID IT !!! 100%

Dr. Holland was gracious enough to sit down with us and answer a few questions that may give you some more insight into why he's such a key player in shaping the future of our technology.

Dr. Holland, for the benefit of inquiring minds, can you tell us a little more about yourself?

"For nearly my entire life, I have had a twin interest in science and music both. Already in high school, while learning to play many different musical instruments and writing and conducting music for the high school orchestra, band and chorus, I was also taking courses in physics and studying wave forms and the frequency content of sound using oscilloscopes and making short films of the wave forms displayed on the scope. Little did I know these two fields would so beautifully combine to later help me develop what I like to call “the ultimate cancer killing electronic signal” (more on that in a paper I will release later in 2023).

I attended the Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music in Berea, Ohio and received a Bachelor of Music degree with a concentration in music composition and conducting. I was also busy in college learning all about and working with the ‘new’ Moog synthesizer that was an exciting new way to make sounds for composers and would later lead to my study of sound synthesis, at first synthesizing sounds using ‘analog’ electronics. I became the ‘local expert’ on the Moog and was even called in to synthesize certain instruments for concert recitals. I spent a great deal of time learning how sound waves work and how they sound. This laid a beautiful foundation for my later work with computers and digital sound synthesis.

I received three graduate degrees from the Cleveland Institute of Music and Case Western Reserve University, a collaborative joint program. I was awarded two master of music degrees (music composition and music theory) and received my Doctor of Musical Arts Degree, emphasis in composition, both acoustic and electronic/digital in 1982. In graduate school, I spent a great deal of time working in the electronic music studio and developed a great deal of hands-on experience with some of the first digital synthesizers. My understanding and skill with synthesis was continuing to move forward....laying out a path that would eventually lead to my use of frequency machines against cancer and pathogenic bacteria. I also had the great fortune to study acoustics with the famous scientist Dr. Arthur Benade, author of several books on musical acoustics. So my work in science was also continuing forward in graduate school.

In 1982, the same year I completed my graduate education, I accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Music at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, where I was tenured in 1988 and taught for 40 years, retiring in March 2022, just as I was completing some very key experiments in the NY Novobiotronics laboratory! At Skidmore College, I taught courses in music composition, orchestration, conducting, conducted the college orchestra and was the Director of the Music Technology Program and Recording Studio. I taught many students how to make high quality professional audio recordings and am very proud to say that two of my students have won Grammy awards for their work, while another of my students is one of the top Hollywood film composers today (Nathan Barr.... “The Americans” and many other TV shows and films).

When I received tenure at Skidmore in 1988, I was awarded a sabbatical, and wasted no time in applying to be a visiting composer at Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). At the time, they had the most powerful digital computer synthesizer in the world and I had an opportunity to study with four of the founding experts in the field of computer music: Max Mathews, the “father of computer music”, John Chowning, Director of CCRMA, John Pierce, formerly the director of the sound division of Bell Laboratories, and Jean-Claude Risset, the first Director of IRCAM, France’s most important computer music center. This was an incredible time in my life...working with the top people in the history of computer/digital synthesis and analysis. I still have recurring dreams to this day of being at Stanford’s CCRMA and attending lectures by those great artists and scientists. You see, the early computer music composers had to have skills and knowledge not just in music, but also in computer programming, physics, acoustics, psycho-acoustics and mathematics. They were musicians, artists and scientists all.... And I felt I had found my home! The work and studies I took on at Stanford’s CCRMA provided me with the expertise I needed to later use computers and ‘frequency machines’ and to develop a deep understanding of them and how to search for the most effective frequencies against cancer and pathogenic organisms. My education and training from high school through my post-doctoral work at Stanford all ended up being one long continuous path of development that would lead to my work in using ‘frequency machines’ against cancer.

Sometime around 2005, I read a book called “Lost science”. In that book, I read about Royal Raymond Rife and his ‘Beam Ray’ machine and that he ‘cured’ cancer in the 1930’s. It made me very curious to seek out any and all information about Royal Rife and see if there was anything to the story. That’s when I first encountered Dr. James Bare and his book about how to convert a CB radio into a frequency therapy machine. I contacted Dr. Bare and have been working with him ever since. He continues to do R&D work in improving his incredible electronic inventions and I continue to test them in the laboratory against cancer cells. We recently completed two new scientific papers that were released to the public in 2023 about frequencies needed for leukemia."
Dr. Anthony Holland

What makes you so passionate about frequency research?

"When I first tested one of Dr. Bare’s machines against a harmless single-celled organism called a blepharisma, I was testing many different frequencies, one at a time, to see if I could affect the organisms in any way. I was well aware of the concept of ‘resonance’, both in music and in acoustics, and was aware of the ‘resonant destruction’ of things such as shattering crystal glasses with an appropriate frequency. I thought that it was possible that Dr. Bare’s machine might somehow invoke a vibration inside an organism, and if it did, I might be able to find a frequency that could initiate a vibration that would literally ‘resonate’ somewhere in the organism and perhaps even destroy the organism with that resonant frequency. I spent 15 months searching for this effect and one night in the college laboratory it suddenly happened! A blepharisma suddenly literally shattered into many tiny fragments! It looked just like a crystal glass shattering from a resonant frequency! It was absolutely amazing! Up to that point, I was only working on a theory that it was possible and night after night for 15 months I hunted for the ‘magic frequency’ that would shatter a micro- organism. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it! And lucky for me, I had a video camera running at the time and actually managed to capture the very moment when I shattered my first tiny organism! From that moment onward, I KNEW that Dr. Bare’s machine worked and I KNEW that if you found the right frequency, you could literally shatter almost anything! Even a micro-organism! I spent the next months shattering many different micro-organisms and video-taping it and posting it all on the internet. I was having the time of my life proving that my theory worked and that Dr. Bare’s machine could do just exactly what I had hoped it would. I was convinced at that point, that given enough time, I could find the frequency to shatter almost anything.... A tiny organism, a bacterium, a virus, maybe even cancer cells!

In 2009, a former student of mine came to visit our college. He was a famous cancer researcher at this point, running his own major cancer research lab on the east coast. I showed him my videos of micro-organisms being shattered with these pulsed frequency-specific electric fields from a plasma tube, and he invited me to visit his lab for a few months and attempt to shatter cancer cells. Long story made short, I was very successful in shattering even cancer cells, several different types of cancer cells. It was not hard to find the right frequencies, it just took a great deal of time and patience. My friend, the cancer lab director, said that what I was doing to cancer cells was totally impossible in his field and that no matter how many times we could repeat the experiment, nobody in his field of research would ever believe what we were able to do. He was just ‘blown away’ by what Dr. Bare’s machine could do to cancer cells in vitro (in special plastic dishes for growing and experimenting with cancer cells). That was 2009 and 2010. From that moment onward, I knew I had to keep searching for effective frequencies against cancer.... And I needed my own research laboratory to do the work. Today’s cancer research labs are supported with millions of dollars from large Pharma companies... those labs could not risk developing a new frequency approach to cancer and toss their chemo drugs aside, they would lose their financial underpinning. I knew I needed to start my own nonprofit company and build our own research lab, unhindered by ‘big pharma’, and releasing all of our frequency information for free to the internet via our website at"
Dr. Anthony Holland

Dr. Holland, what is your ultimate goal?

"Our ultimate goal is to develop a large database of the most effective frequencies that will slow and destroy every type of cancer. This database of frequencies will be shared for free with the public via our company website, just as we have already shared all of our research over the past 17 years. By establishing the effectiveness of many frequencies against many different types of cancer, we hope to change the future of cancer treatments so that ‘frequency treatments’ become the norm, and we no longer use toxic drugs or dangerous radiation. We work with the dream of developing a future cancer treatment that is nontoxic, painless, noninvasive and inexpensive. In the future, children with cancer will visit a ‘cancer treatment room’ where they meet new friends and have fun, but all the while the plasma lights over their heads in the ceiling will be bathing their cancer cells in healing frequencies, shattering their cancer, one cell at a time!"
Dr. Anthony Holland

Please tell us how you plan on spending the money that will be donated to your campaign?

"We have secured a location in Florida and have received the necessary approvals to install a newly built laboratory there. We have had contractors estimate the cost of construction, electrical wiring, HVAC (it’s vital to maintain a constant steady temperature and humidity in the lab at all times!), insulation, etc. We will build an entirely new space customized for this type of research work. We’ll also need to purchase a new biosafety cabinet ($12k), a few lab tables for the equipment, and some basic laboratory supplies (flasks, cell media, pipettes, cancer cells, etc). We still have our microscopes, CO2 incubator and all our electronics needed to continue our experiments, but they are all in storage in Florida, awaiting the completion of the construction of the new lab space. I’m told the basic building can be done in a few months, once funding is in hand, then on to electrical, HVAC and some internal adjustments to finalize the space for cancer experiments. If we can raise the entire $60,000 estimated for all costs, we will have a working research laboratory and be able to jump right back into this vital research."
Dr. Anthony Holland

$94,984 raised out of $60,000

🎉 SUCCESS, YOU DID IT !!! 100%

Know someone who may be willing to help Dr. Holland?

Share his story ! 😃
